This number shows how important TOGAF is for today´s IT professionals

Last month, TOGAF announced that there are now more than 98,900 IT professionals certified in TOGAF and the mark of 100,000 certified professionals will be achieved soon. This shows the amazing speed with which TOGAF is becoming more and more popular even though it does have some drawbacks. Because of this figure, I decided to take a deeper look at the statistics of TOGAF certifications, and here are the results.

Just three years ago, in July 2017, TOGAF announced that the number of certifications achieved 70,000. As this implicates a growth rate of more than 41% over just the past three years, the importance of TOGAF in the world of Enterprise Architecture seems to even grow further in the future.

Another statistic seems to be interesting as well: Looking at the countries which the TOGAF certified people come from, a strong focus on English-speaking countries, especially the UK, the US, and India becomes eminent. Those three countries make up more than 40% of all TOGAF certifications! The UK is even placed number one with about 15% of all TOGAF certifications. While the domination of English-speaking countries is expectable due to the language of TOGAF, I am still surprised by the level of dominance.

Comparing the size of the countries and with it, the number of IT professionals, the density of certifications in the UK is even much higher than in all other countries! What is also surprising is that China accounts for just about 3% of all certifications worldwide, although it is one of the few official exam languages that are available besides English.

How would you describe the importance of TOGAF in your country? How is it for instance in India?

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